Passionist Missions would not exist without your prayerful support. We count on your prayers for our missionaries and their associates; we count on your prayers for the many people we serve and the many projects involved in assisting them. The hospitals, clinics, schools, orphanage, the formation and vocational training of young people depends on the prayers and good works you offer for them.


The Missions also depend on your material generosity. Your donations, large and small, help others to rise from their poverty and desperate need, and are an important part of our bringing God’s loving care to others. The offerings you give for our Benefactors Society, the donations for our Greeting Cards, the contributions you make throughout the year are deeply appreciated.


Another way of assisting the Passionist Missions is through a remembrance in your Will. It is a beautiful way to continue your good works and offer your generous support even after you have joined our Heavenly Father.
It is a way of assuring that some of your estate is directly assisting God’s most needy.The only criteria Jesus gave in the Scripture as to whether we would be joining Him for eternity is how we cared for His “little ones”. St Mathew’s Gospel has these beautiful words: “Come, O Blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.” And the reason for this invitation? “I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink… You did it for me when you did it to one of the least of these my brethren.” How consoling to know that even after your death you will continue to provide works of mercy!

If you wish to include our missions in your will, our legal title is ‘PASSIONIST COMMUNITY OF CANADA”. You do not have to redraft your Will to help the missions. Simply include our legal title in your document, or send it to your attorney, along with our address and your instructions.

One formula can be “I give, devise and bequeath to the PASSIONIST MISSIONARIES, 2102 Kipling Ave, Rexdale, Ontario M9W 4K5 , the sum of $_____ _____ in support of their Missions.

If you choose to include the Passionist Missionaries in your will, please let us know of your intentions. You will be assured of becoming one of our Associates, included in our daily prayers, masses and novenas. You don’t have to inform us of any details of your bequest and no list will be published. We simply would be happy to know of your intentions so we can show our appreciation of your generosity. Our deepest thanks.